What is GymLapse?
GymLapse lets you create timelapses of your body, or how we call them: "GymLapses". Just select a part of the body, take a picture every day/week/month etc. and GymLapse will automatically create a timelapse using AI. Making a GymLapse is the best way to visualize your weightloss, bulk or gains.
Challenge of the week
GymLapse includes a weekly changing challenge, have a leaderboard for just you and your friends. To compete in the weekly challenge you upload a video of yourself doing the given challenge and the amount of reps you did. Your friends will instantly see your results on their leaderboard.
We Go Gym
Going to the gym, but don't feel like going alone? We got you with our We Go Gym feature. Enter the time and location, press send and all your gymbuddies will instantly get a notification. Now they can choose to join via GymLapse.
Why we built GymLapse
Better body image
Change comes slow, so does progress. This often times results in people not appreciating or seeing the progress they made. We wanted to build an app that made this easier to see, and so GymLapse was born. By seeing the progress you made we hope to increase your body image.
More motivation
A common problem when people start going to the gym is they lose motivation, we want to tackle this by sending reminder notifications. But even then, going to the gym alone can be demotivating, so we built the We Go Gym feature. Knowing when your friends will be going to the gym can motivate you to go as well. And last but not least the one thing that motivates most people is progress, seeing this progress in a GymLapse can result in a lot of motivation.
More fun
The gym can be a very serious place, using the We Go Gym feature and going with friends can bring more fun to the gym.